Two Clubs one great evening
Dear Rheinredner, last thursday was our English Speaking evening and it was even more special this time. The meeting was
Dear Rheinredner, last thursday was our English Speaking evening and it was even more special this time. The meeting was
Liebe Rheinredner, wie bereits in den letzten Wochen haben wir auch heute einen tollen Abend via Zoom verbracht - auch
Liebe Toastmaster, liebe Gäste, Freunde der Redekunst und der Rheinredner, wie alle andere auch sind auch Toastmasters als Organisation sowie
Dear Toastmasters! Thank you for this uplifting, inspiring and fun evening! It really was a pleasure to dance with you
This evening was fun and full of facts and stories that were "good to know" and therefor fitted the theme
Last Thursday, some of us gathered for our English club contest and we had a really nice evening. Four toastmasters